Thursday, January 27, 2022

Odoo Version 15 new points out Customer Relationship Management System

CRM Development

Contact Form

When a user fills out a contact form, you can capture their information.

Lead Scoring

The Predictive Lead Scoring feature has totally replaced the obsolete Lead Scoring mechanism. On all Lead Generation queries, get relevant company results. The automatic lead assignment can be turned off for specific salespeople.


All users now have access to their own reporting section, which allows them to see as much information as they have access to.


You can search for contacts by phone number without having to worry about the formatting.

Mail Connectors

All Odoo languages are now supported by the Outlook and Gmail add-ons. Emails sent to personal email accounts in Outlook or the Gmail Inbox can be used to create Tasks, Leads, and Helpdesk tickets.

Sales Forecast

Drag and drop opportunities between months to create the sales projection. The deadline will be automatically updated to the month's last day.


A stat button can be used to identify probable duplicate leads. The stat button allows you to see all opportunities associated with a contact, even those that have been lost. In the merging, a lead's related documents are added to the remaining lead.

Outlook Connector

Log their own email responses into the chatter to keep conversations centralized.

Sales Teams

Assign a salesperson to a number of different teams. Using rules, dispatch and assign leads.

Gmail Connector

Through the IAP integration, you may learn more about companies. Create leads and tickets from personal inbox emails; create and search contacts to log emails on their chatters.


The similar window will appear when you create a Quotation or a Rental from an opportunity.

For Inquiry about CRM Click here.

Via Ref Link:

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