Thursday, February 10, 2022

6 Ways an ERP Can Help Your Business Drive Sustainability

6 Ways an ERP Can Help Your Business Drive Sustainability

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to businesses across all industries because it can provide a competitive advantage in the long run and is a requirement for survival in the future.

As the world faces major disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic, business executives have realized that it is their priority to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and optimize production in order to remain competitive in the market.

According to the Institute for Management Development (IMD), 62 percent of executives believe a sustainability strategy is required to compete today, and another 22 percent believe it will be in the future.

As sustainability is being incorporated into business strategies for long-term viability, one method of achieving sustainability goals is to implement an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, which is designed to increase production efficiency, reduce costs and waste, improve supply-demand planning, and drive greater organizational effectiveness. As part of a scheme to improve industry and enterprise performance, many governments, including Singapore, are providing funding and incentives for SMEs to adopt digitization and automation tools such as an ERP system.

Let's look at six specific areas where an ERP system can help your company reduce waste, cut costs, and achieve long-term sustainability goals.

An ERP system can assist you in determining the source of waste and optimizing resource consumption.

Business waste can take many different forms; not all waste is physical. In fact, resource optimization is a method of reducing energy and material waste, as well as labor costs. Whether it is general waste or manufacturing waste, resource management is a critical issue for businesses in a variety of industries, including manufacturers, supply chains, and food and beverage companies that handle chemicals and materials that can expire and/or be toxic to the environment.

Paper Consumption and Storage Space
When businesses implement an ERP system, one of the goals is to reduce the use of paper documents, which saves paper, reduces storage space, and contributes to environmental preservation. This is especially true for large corporations and large offices, where a significant amount of business document shredding is required to maintain confidentiality.

Using a document management system such as Odoo Documents, Dropbox, or One-drive is one direct way to go paperless while keeping your documents confidential in the workplace. For example, with Odoo Documents, you can store, share, and send previously scanned documents, as well as generate business documents such as vendor bills, invoices, and contracts that can be approved and signed electronically without the need to print any paper documents.

See this short video to learn how Odoo Documents can quickly transform and digitize your document processes using AI and OCR engines.

Inventory Control
Poor inventory planning and a lack of control over on-hand, overstock can also result in waste. A good ERP system, for example, can help you track the shelf life of your products and materials if you work in the food and beverage industry. Ideally, the inventory module in the ERP software should be able to tell you how much food or materials are wasted and pinpoint the source of the waste, whether it is due to improper storage, spoilage, leakage, or human error. It can also tell you how much material is not consumed or sold, allowing you to determine which products are driving the business and which products cost more than they make.

Using the right removal strategy, such as FIFO (First In, First Out), LIFO (Last In, First Out), or, in the case of the food and beverage industry, FEFO (First Expired, First Out), is critical to avoiding waste by providing visibility and control over perishable products. Inventory management tools with built-in stock removal strategy functionalities, such as Odoo Inventory, can help you track and monitor your product movements in real time.

On the Odoo Inventory interface, here's an example of how the FEFO strategy can be configured on specific products, prompting the system to pick inventory lots based on expiration dates, earliest to latest.

Overproduction, which can be caused by inaccurate planning and forecasting or a lack of reporting tools, is another type of waste.

ERP software can assist you in overcoming this by automating sales and inventory reports that show you which products are not being sold and which materials are not being used. Using past sales data and trends, you can make an informed decision about demand planning: which products need to be reduced because they are not selling well, and which products can have their capacity expanded.

Odoo developed a Replenish-to-Order functionality that allows businesses to purchase or manufacture inputs, particularly those with a short shelf life, only when there is a demand for them, in order to align demand with supply production and reduce unnecessary procurement.

Read more about Odoo's Make-to-Order feature and how it can help you improve the efficiency of your procurement process here.

Improve Coordination and Increase Visibility

Oversight of the entire operation
An ERP system can provide you with a clear picture of your company's overall performance, as displayed by dashboards in the interface, which display the metrics relevant to your company's operations. Each department can gain an overview of its activities while identifying cost-cutting opportunities, such as over-purchased materials or determining the most fuel-efficient delivery route. Each business function can get a quick overview of its activities by displaying the metrics that are most important to them.

Departmental Coordination has been improved.
When the workflows of business departments are not coordinated, time and resources can be wasted. Unsynchronized workflows occur when one department is unable to make decisions due to miscommunication, misinformation, or a bottleneck in another department. People in these situations must wait for information, sign-off, approvals, and work to be completed in other departments.

An integrated ERP provides interconnections and automation of the flow of information across departments, allowing for smoother, faster, and more transparent coordination with streamlined decisions.

In the ERP system Odoo, for example, Odoo Purchase is linked to Odoo Accounting, among other fully integrated modules in the system, which prompts the generation of a drought journal entry when a new Purchase Order is confirmed.

Product Lifecycle Management and Quality Control

Defective products that do not meet quality standards waste materials and cause production delays. ERP modules designed for production and manufacturing, such as Quality and Product Life cycle Management PLM, assist manufacturers in detecting, monitoring, and tracking all production data.

In the Odoo Quality module, you can configure your quality control plans and schedule quality inspections for specific steps in inventory procedures or manufacturing operations.

If you own a manufacturing company, you should be able to manage your production lines, identify the equipment and plant that is in place, and control its schedules. You can reduce the production of defective products and provide timely attention and action to any errors if a piece of equipment fails or a product fails quality checks with the help of quality management tools and features such as automated quality alerts.

While defects and errors can never be completely eliminated, quality management tools in a fully integrated ERP like Odoo can help minimize damage and waste caused by malfunctions quickly, saving your manufacturing company a lot of money and time.
Cloud Hosting Adoption

Choosing to host your ERP in the cloud can provide additional benefits not only to your company but also to the environment.
How an ERP can help your company's sustainability

IT system migrations to the cloud are estimated to save up to 30-40% of total software ownership costs. When you move your company's ERP system to the cloud, you eliminate the need for on-premise hardware as well as the human, physical, and financial resources required to maintain it. Your company can gain flexibility and scalability in storage capabilities and unused capacity by utilizing the cloud.

The cloud can also help the environment by lowering the carbon footprint of your company's data center. Cloud providers such as Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Amazon Web Services (AWS) have pledged to make their data centers carbon neutral and twice as energy efficient as traditional data centers.

More information on how public clouds, such as Google Cloud Platform, can provide a safer, more secure, and agile server hosting solution can be found here.

Data in real time equals agility and better decision making.

One of the primary goals of an ERP system is to collect, gather, and store data and information about the entire company's activity in real time. The ability of the ERP system to provide immediate business data enables business managers to access this data and assess the effectiveness of their business strategy in real-time. As a result, they make continuous adjustments in areas that need to be aligned or resources that need to be better allocated and utilized

ERP software users can specify which measurement parameters should be displayed for each project. Whether for Accounting, Sales, or Inventory management, real-time data can help identify which areas bring the most value or the least profit, presenting more opportunities to drive more effective tactics and reduce excessive production or overstocking of inputs.

Let's take a look at the Analytical Accounting feature in Odoo Accounting to see how real-time data can help you make better decisions.

This feature can be used to provide a clear profitability overview of various departments or specific projects and promotion periods across all Odoo modules such as Sales, Purchase, Production, and Invoice by distinguishing costs that arise over time or identifying areas that bring revenue increases. By categorizing your general accounts (analytical accounts) by department, project, product group, and more, it provides a more dynamic view of your typical loss/profit balance than your general ledger.

How Odoo can help Port Cities make your business operations more environmentally friendly.

Best-in-class ERP technology combined with the right industry expertise in ERP implementation can provide you with a robust and interconnected system that delivers an unprecedented level of efficiency and synchronization in production, reporting, and demand planning.

All of the areas mentioned above can assist you in adhering to your company's sustainability strategy and are linked by a well-rounded and flexible ERP software like Odoo.

GeminateCS takes pride in having a diverse on-hands expertise from serving clients from industries such as Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Retail all over the world. Contact GeminateCS consultants today to learn more about how you can make your business more environmentally friendly.

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Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Why is Odoo ERP superior to other ERP systems?

Why is Odoo ERP superior to other ERP systems?

Odoo, founded in 2005 as Tiny ERP by Fabien Pinckaers, has grown to become one of the world's most popular ERP providers. In today's world, ERP software is an unavoidable part of doing business. ERP gives you complete visibility into your core business processes. With so many ERP software options available, the real question is what distinguishes Odoo from the rest. Odoo's modular architecture provides high flexibility and cost savings. It combines the benefits of standardization and customization. Odoo version 14 has been released, and version 15 is on the way.

Let us now look at the features of Odoo that set it apart from other ERP software on the market.

Simple to use:
Odoo is simpler to use than other ERP software. It has a user-friendly interface that makes it simple to use for anyone. Odoo has some functional features that allow configuration to some extent even by people with little programming knowledge.

Simple Integration:
Odoo is API-friendly, so you can easily integrate it with other business systems. You can improve your customers' experiences with you by providing seamless integration with apps they already use using third-party integration.

Odoo is an open-source ERP with a low cost of implementation. Unless you purchase the enterprise version, there is no license fee for Odoo. You can choose between community and enterprise versions, with the community version being completely free and the enterprise version costing a reasonable amount based on the apps you select. Odoo ERP's maintenance costs are also lower when compared to other ERPs.

Odoo is highly customized based on the needs of the user. Rather than replacing your business processes, customization helps to optimize them. Odoo ERP Customization gives your company a distinct identity in the market. Odoo allows you to choose from a wide range of apps and add functionalities based on your business needs.

Free and Open Source
Odoo is an open-source ERP software, so you have complete access to the source code. As a result, anyone can make changes, upgrades, or customization as needed.

One Solution for Your Entire Company
Odoo is a comprehensive software solution that can meet all of your business requirements. It includes modules like Sales, Inventory, Human Resources, Accounting, CRM, and others. You can select and implement the modules required for your business. Odoo is thus extremely cost-effective.

Choosing the right ERP for your business can help you grow tenfold. If you want to get a customized ERP for your business or replace your current ERP, GeminateCS is a great option. GeminateCS offers high-quality software products and services tailored to your specific requirements. GeminateCS, as one of the leading Odoo experts in India, provides the best Odoo ERP solutions and services that focus on enriching your business process. We have a dedicated team of developers, executives, and insightful management. We prioritize customer needs and provide the best Odoo services with complete client satisfaction. Send an email to you have any questions.

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Creating a Wizard in Odoo to Generate a Dynamic Field

Creating a Wizard in Odoo to Generate a Dynamic Field

This blog will explain how to create wizards in Odoo for creating dynamic fields.

First and foremost, let's talk about wizards.

In Odoo, wizards are accustomed to interacting with dialogue boxes.

There are primarily two types of wizard models available in Odoo:

The model class is the foundation of the vast majority of Odoo models. Furthermore, it has a long-term database, as evidenced by the accuracy of the data stored in the table rendered.

The type's transitional Data structure determines the transient Model. Furthermore, the information stored in the data set is brief in this class, and data from the data set table is fixed up on a regular basis.

Odoo employs a transitory/transient model in which data is saved only temporarily and data in the wizard only requires temporary storage. The following are the characteristics of the transient model:

The wizard's data can refer to standard records or many2one fields, but standard records cannot refer to many2one fields or wizard data.
Because the data in the wizard requires little storage, it is re-transmitted after a while.
Clients have all consents on wizard data; they do not require direct access rights.

Readers from any industry can gain a better understanding of the next level if they consider the wizards mentioned above.

Because the readers are also students, we will go over the Odoo Module, highlights, latest highlights, and installation before discussing how to create wizards to create dynamic fields in Odoo.

This module can be used to create dynamic fields in a non-performance-critical errand. It is simple to use. Highlights, features, and fields from the system are demonstrated.


Simple to use

The user does not need any technical knowledge.

Any field can be easily added or removed.

It is simple to grant a specific user group access to any field.

Adding a custom tab to Task Form View is simple.

Add a custom area to the Task Form view.

For the binary field, use an image widget.

Widgets with tags or checkboxes are used in a variety of situations.

Help text, a required field, and a duplicated field are also notable features.

A radio widget that corresponds to a related field.

There are phone, URL, and email gadgets for scorch fields.

There are numerous field types to choose from.

The widget can also be used in one2one and many2many fields.

A field selection widget that allows you to select one or more fields.

The position of fields is easily indicated.

Latest Odoo Features

A binary widget with the Many-2-Many feature has been added.

The hourly and minutely follow time widgets now include a float time widget.

In the text area, an HTML widget has been added that will be useful for viewing an HTML interface.

This feature was added in order to fulfill a requirement.

A new feature has been added to the new version (1.0.3)

Adding a custom tab to the Task type view is simple.

Installation Pattern:

> If it’s not too much hassle, you’ll be given a link to download the compressed record of the module.

> When you open the compressed folder, you will see the folder ‘bv_task_custom_fields.’

> Control V and Control C to insert this folder into your odoo custom Widget Path.

> Now, start Odoo in Developer Mode.

> Go to the Apps menu and select ‘Update Modules List,’ then press the Update button.

> Check for ‘bv_task_custom_fields’ in the search bar.

Odoo is an open-source program that makes nearly all fields available for quick access. In some market situations, however, we must add fields and retry in the same manner. From this end-perspective, user's it is difficult to create a field from code. So here is the prerequisite for creating Dynamic fields in Odoo.

Let's take a look at GeminateCS Odoo dynamic field creation.

The above-mentioned features and installation would be helpful in understanding the method.

To begin, we built the following wizards to create a dynamic field:

To show the types of fields, we used selection=get possible field types on the field, field type, and the process get possible field types is as follows:

Each field in this view has an alternative widget, such as many2many tags, radio, and so on.

In order to return the widget based on the field type, we have a method for changing the field type, which is described below:

The view on the widget is as follows, ie, wizard.xml:

Use the following method to construct the field:
The wizard in this model contains a render field button, and when that button is clicked, the technique creates fields is executed.


GeminateCS , a leading Odoo ERP development company, can create a customized module and dynamic fields in Odoo for your company. Please contact us if you have any questions about current Odoo features, wizard creation, or the Odoo open-source development model. Very good reading.

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Monday, February 07, 2022

The Advantages of Odoo Accounting for Business

The Advantages of Odoo Accounting for Business

Are you still using workbooks or a regular notebook to manage your accounts? Finance and calculation functions will become more difficult as businesses grow and technology evolves. ERP system software, such as Odoo Accounting, will make tasks easier and faster in the system, saving you valuable time and money. Odoo Accounting is a simple accounting system that accurately tracks your finances. It enables you to handle all of your accounting needs, including payments and invoices, bank reconciliations, reports, and much more, from a single location.

Why Odoo ERP for Accounting?

Odoo ERP's out-of-the-box application covers all aspects of the accounting process. The best part is that it has a simple process for using it and storing transactions in the ledger. The Odoo ERP accounting application integrates easily with other modules to collect data and allows for accurate reporting with a variety of parameters.

To effectively integrate the firm's processes, a common approach to addressing each customer, such as services or documents, is required. Management Accounts in Odoo provide this level of standardization. These Odoo Analytic/Management accounts are frequently used as the foundation for strategic business decisions. Analytic accounts in Odoo can be a useful management tool at the heart of various system processes. It enables businesses to run ad-hoc reporting and in-depth data analysis for increased business efficiency, and it also aids in the reduction of time spent on business tasks. Finally, odoo analytic aids in a better understanding of clients improve business processes and reduce risks.

Odoo Accounting ERP also provides custom modules as needed and assists businesses with all accounting processes. The Odoo accounting module in ERP has an impact on a variety of functions, including invoicing, bank reconciliation, multi-language support, managing contact registers, and many others.

Few features of Odoo for Accounting Industry

  • Easy Invoicing

  • Manage Bills and Expenses at ease

  • Faster Payments

  • Dynamic statements

  • Bank Synchronization

  • Contact management

  • Customer reports

  • Multiple payment options

  • Automatic Bank Reconciliation propositions

  • Web-service API

  • Google spreadsheet integration

  • Easy Data import and export

  • Multi-currency and country-specific statements

  • Asset management and tax management

  • Analytical accounting

How Odoo Benefits Accounting?


The Odoo platform's reconciliation feature allows for real-time reconciliation of the company's bank accounts and other accounting platforms. The Odoo platform's accounting module can be configured to sync the company's bank statements with the platform in real-time at regular intervals. This functionality will expedite the reconciliation of information, keeping users up to date with real-time data.


The Odoo platform accounting application enables users to generate invoices for product and service sales at various stages of operation. Invoicing can be generated directly from the sales quotation and sent to specific customers via email or physically handed over. Furthermore, the Odoo platform allows its users or field staff to generate invoices directly from the field for service timings and spares used.

Reporting in real-time
The module constantly monitors various aspects of business such as profit and loss, sales data, invoice details, and so on, which are displayed in the platform's report format. These are analytical data that will provide users with information about the operation of the business and will also allow them to plan accordingly. This real-time data can be sorted by filtering and grouping different aspects of various measures. The accounting reports of the business are depicted in charts, graphs, and tables that can be viewed in the platform's various default formats.

Accounts ledger and chart of accounts
The module assists the user in creating ledgers and keeping them up to date. These can be the same items that were kept in physical form in the beginning. The ledger reports are divided and described based on the user's needs. Furthermore, the platform allows its users to create and manage charts of accounts such as payable and receivable amounts that can be configured for the various aspects of the company credits and debit operations, taking into account the country as well.

Following up on payments
Odoo's accounting module allows users to follow up on payments that have not been made by customers. This option allows users to send out warning messages and displays the amount owed by customers to businesses.

Fiscal year configurations
The fiscal years define the company's operational status at the end of the term. The Odoo platform's accounting module enables users to create fiscal years based on days and months in accordance with standardization requirements. The fiscal year settings are determined by the fiscal year specified by the authorities. When fiscal years end, Odoo alerts users by distributing payable and receivable accounts, and if any payment is not allocated to a chart of account, Odoo simply creates an additional miscellaneous account.

Payment terminologies and Multiple currencies

Odoo's accounting functionality allows users to describe various payment options such as direct payment and down payment, which can be done based on a fixed amount or a fixed percentile rate. Odoo's down payment functionality is a common tool for customers and will bring in more business opportunities for the company.

Odoo can set up multiple currencies to be used if the organization operates in multiple countries. This tool will enable users to participate in transactions and will enable the company to work with multiple businesses from any country.

Users can visualize the future of their firm by saving time and expanding the reach of their business with the help of the Odoo accounting application. GeminateCS can assist in this regard by providing custom Odoo Accounting and other services that assist in the development of an accounting module suitable for your business. GeminateCS expert team can assist you with odoo consultation and services.

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Sunday, February 06, 2022

Odoo CRM: A Effective Customer Service Management Tool

An Effictive Customer Service Management Tools

Are you looking for customer service software that is effective for your company?

What does it mean to have customer service software?

CRM software acts as a digital solution for a company's customer management system. Odoo is an ERP software that includes modules such as Odoo CRM, HRM, Marketing, Operations Management, Billing and Accounting, Manufacturing, and so on. Odoo CRM is a platform that allows you to completely control your customer service system.

The customer is king in every organization. Effective customer management can propel a company to success. Odoo CRM provides you with a complete picture of your customers. Odoo CRM encompasses all strategies, techniques, tools, and technologies used by a business to develop, relate to, and acquire customers. It ensures that every interaction with the customer is effective and smooth in order to increase the organization's overall growth. Odoo CRM keeps a database of your customers that includes their overall purchase history, demographic information, and even purchase behavior patterns.

CRM software ensures that you have good relationships with your customers, colleagues, suppliers, and so on. With this technological advanced platform, it is easier to find new customers, provide qualified service, and gain their trust.

Features of Odoo CRM

User Interface with Cutting-Edge Technology
Simple and simple to use. Odoo CRM dashboard provides a well-organized view of sales activities. The Odoo dashboard provides a technologically advanced, user experience.
Reduces the drawbacks of data entry
Users can receive leads automatically via email and VoIP calls, as well as send quotations and sales orders with a few clicks. It cuts down on paperwork. As a result, Odoo CRM reduces the drawbacks of data entry. You can manage your sales pipeline by dragging and dropping items.

Pipeline Management: CRM gives you a clear picture of your opportunity pipeline. Odoo CRM assists in the creation of distinct stages for the sales team. It is also possible to create sub-stages to improve process management. Another unique feature of Odoo CRM is the automatic archiving of lost opportunities. As a separate field, lost opportunities will be available.

Analytics and Reports:
CRM software allows you to track your dynamic business activities over time. Users can view the sales team's daily, weekly, and monthly performance as well as the hours invested by each team member. CRM provides you with access to a variety of analytical features for tracking various sales activities.

Analysis of Leads:
Odoo CRM assists in keeping leads separate from opportunities and avoiding lengthy sales pipelines. Odoo CRM makes it simple to convert a lead into an opportunity. Proper lead tracing will result in the analysis of leads from each marketing team.

Advanced features:
·Live chat
·Mobile view
·URL tracker

Odoo CRM has a user-friendly interface that makes it appealing and simple to use. It is a low-cost, no-licensing application. It is also possible to access the system from any location by using a laptop, mobile device, or iPad. In addition, with a few clicks, the user can enter leads, access contact person details, and schedule activities and meetings. With Odoo CRM software, management can maintain a decent and strong relationship with the customer.

CRM Implementation:
Customers can use Odoo Experts to help them implement the software. GeminateCS will be the best choice as the leading Odoo Experts in India. GeminateCS is a software development company that offers professional IT solutions to clients all over the world. We have a development team that specialists in ERP Development, Odoo Development, Odoo Resources, Odoo Customization, Web Design and Development, SEO, and Mobile App Development. We make certain that the development process we use is up to par with the best in the industry, ensuring maximum quality and efficiency. We have the most professional team of functional and technical people who give Odoo their all. Send an email to if you want to learn more.

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Wednesday, February 02, 2022

According to OWASP, there are eight reasons why Odoo is the most secure platform.

Odoo ERP Consulting Services

The traditional ERP industry has been hesitant to accept public discussions about security, frequently implying that it is a platform issue rather than an application issue. As a result, developing the services that consumers and suppliers' desire appears to be risky and expensive.

Surprisingly, the majority of the best solutions are the most basic and least expensive. There are numerous areas of interest where an acceptable level of security can be obtained, such as networking, applications, education, culture, physical and remote access. Although not everything can be analyses, selecting an application that can pass at least some basic checks may aid in the security of your deployment.

Software Security

Because Odoo is highly customization, Odoo users and developers from all over the world are constantly reviewing the entire code-base. As a result, community bug reports are an important source of security input. As a result, we strongly advise developers to thoroughly test their programs for security flaws.

The Odoo Research and Development process includes a code review step that addresses both new and contributed code security concerns.

Design Security

Odoo was created with the intention of avoiding the most common security issues.

SQL injection is avoided by employing a more powerful interface that does not require SQL queries; XSS attacks are avoided by employing a more powerful template software that escapes data input. This framework prevents RPCs from gaining access to personal methods and exposing security flaws.

Check out the Top OWASP Vulnerability section to see how Odoo is built from the ground up to prevent it from happening.

Independent Security Audit

Odoo is a third-party company that customers and potential clients routinely evaluate for vulnerability scanning and testing. Odoo's security team receives the results and, if necessary, immediately takes action. These results, on the other hand, are kept private, the property of the members, and are not shared. Odoo also has a vibrant community of independent security researchers who constantly monitor the source code and collaborate with us to improve and strengthen Odoo's security. Our privacy policy details on our disclaimer page.

According to Infosec, a security education and research firm, the average cost of a data breach in 2019 was $3.92 million, with a 279-day average duration to detect and control a breach. Don't become the next victim of one of these assaults! Recognize the significance, avoid them, and ensure solid security for your web apps. Simply put, they are critical to the success of your company.

What’s OWASP?

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is dedicated to improving software security. OWASP is developing an open-source module that allows anyone to take part in projects, web communications, events, and other activities. The central OWASP concept is that all resources and information on the website are free and open to all. As a result, OWASP offers a variety of resources such as tools, videos, forums, initiatives, and conferences. In a nutshell, OWASP is a comprehensive library of online application security information backed up by the vast expertise and knowledge of open community collaborators.

Top OWASP Vulnerabilities and Odoo Solutions

Odoo, according to the Open Online Application Security Project (OWASP), poses a significant security risk for web apps in this area.

Injection flaws: Injection errors, especially SQL injection, are common in web applications. Inserts occur when the interpreter receives user-specified query or command data. The interpreter is influenced by an attacker's hostile data, which causes it to execute unwanted instructions or alter the data.

Odoo Alternative: Odoo is built on the object-relational mapping (ORM) framework, which ignores query construction by default and prevents SQL injection. SQL queries are typically generated by the ORM rather than by developers, and the arguments are always correctly encoded.

Malicious File Execution: RFI vulnerable code (including remote files) can allow an attacker to include hostile program code, resulting in disastrous attacks such as database invasions. There is a possibility.

Odoo's Solution: The ability to include remote files is not exposed by Odoo. Authorized users, on the other hand, can change the functionality by adding custom expressions that the system evaluates. These expressions are always analyzed in a sandbox and straightforward manner, with only authorized functions available.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): XSS errors occur when an application retrieves user-supplied data and sends it to a browser without any validation or encryption. An attacker can use XSS to run a script in the victim's browser, hijacking the user's session, blocking the website, and deploying the worm.

To prevent XSS, the Odoo framework effectively escapes all representations presented in views and pages. Developers must make the term "safe" clear in order for the displayed page to contain raw data.

Insecure Direct Object Reference: A direct object reference occurs when a developer publishes a URL or form parameter containing a reference to an internally implemented object, such as a file, directory, database record, or key. An attacker can gain unauthorized access to other objects by manipulating these references.

The Odoo Solution: Because Odoo access control is not implemented at the user interface level, there is no risk of internal object references being exposed in the URL. Because all requests are still routed through the data access authentication layer, an attacker cannot bypass the access control layer by modifying these credentials.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): A Cross-Site Request Forgery attack that logs in and forces the victim's browser to send a bogus HTTP request to the vulnerable site, including the victim's session cookie and other automated login credentials. Attacks. Make sure to check out the app. An attacker can use this to force the victim's browser to make a recommendation that the vulnerable app misinterprets as the victim's genuine request.

The Odoo Solution: CSRF protection is built into the Odoo Site Engine. Without this security token, the HTTP controller is unable to receive POST requests. This is the recommended method for detecting CSRF. This security token is only known and exists if the user fills out a form on the vulnerable website; without it, an attacker cannot impersonate a request.

Insecure encrypted storage: Encryption is rarely used in web applications to secure data and passwords. Aside from identity theft and credit card fraud, attackers can use unprotected data to commit additional crimes.

The Odoo Solution: Odoo uses industry-standard secure hashes of user passwords to secure saved passwords. You can use an external authentication system, such as Google authentication or Mysql, to ensure that a user's password is not stored locally.

Many applications designed to protect sensitive conversations fail to encrypt network traffic, resulting in insecure communications.

Many applications designed to protect sensitive conversations fail to encrypt network traffic, resulting in insecure communications.

The Odoo Solution: By default, OdooCloud is HTTP-enabled. Odoo must be run behind a web server that provides encryption and proxies Odoo requests for on-premises deployments. For more secure public deployments, the Odoo Deployment Guide includes a security checklist.

Don't restrict URL access: Most apps simply protect critical functionality by ensuring that references or URLs aren't exposed to unauthorized access. An attacker could use this flaw to gain direct access to the URL and perform malicious operations.

Odoo's Solution:
Access control is not enforced at the interface level in Odoo, and security does not rely on hiding specific URLs. The URL cannot be re-used or manipulated by a hacker to bypass the access control layer. All requests must still be routed through the data access authentication layer. If the URL permits encrypted access to sensitive data, such as a specific URL used by the client to complete the order, it is digitally signed with a unique token and sent via email.

Why are security experts concerned about the Open Redirect flaw?

Certain members of the security community consider open redirects to be a security risk. For the most part, it was previously rated at the bottom of the OWASP Top 10. The primary reason for this is that the tooltip displays a familiar site address, and the user may be unaware of the domain name change after browsing, leading them to believe the link. However, as OWASP explains, this is only one method of carrying out this phishing attack. If there is an issue other than a direct failure or damage, an attacker would be unable to attack this.

Why does Odoo consider this a flaw?

In modern browsers, the only accurate content source indication is provided by the address bar. The browser goes to great lengths to display confidential data (such as an SSL certificate) in the address bar. This is why Odoo ERP recommends using a genuine SSL certificate to detect changes in the address bar. In contrast, tool tips are easily manipulated and should not be used as a security signal.

More importantly, anyone who is easily misled by misleading tooltips may be misled into not using open redirects. An attacker will typically create a similar domain name and send an email with a phishing link to a bogus website.

Because removing the URL re-director does not prevent its use, it does not significantly improve data security. However, some of the features on which our users rely are broken or complicate Odoo's implementation.

As a result, the open URL redirect report is not considered a genuine vulnerability unless you redirect to a data: or java-script: URL to link to another actual attack, such as XSS. Please report any genuine exploitable XSS cases you come across.


Here is evidence that Odoo ERP ranks first in OWASP security and that vulnerabilities are addressed appropriately. A security flaw does not require you to work in a specific industry to be impacted; it affects all businesses. Please contact GeminateCS Odoo experts if your company has a breach and is experiencing a decrease in client satisfaction. They will walk you through the steps. They are Odoo Experts who guarantee the security of data entered into Odoo. Thank you, and have a wonderful reading experience. We look forward to hearing from you.

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How does Odoo 15 differ from Odoo 14?

How does Odoo 15 differ from Odoo 14?

Odoo, a well-known open-source ERP solution, and business software have been fully integrated into a single, powerful and adaptable management software that can handle a wide range of business requirements.

As a globally powerful ERP suite, it never fails to provide an improved version to its users each year. Odoo 14 was released last year and was heralded as the best, fastest, most up-to-date, and technologically advanced version yet. Odoo 15 will, on the other hand, be released during the two-day online Odoo experience event on October 6th and 7th.

This most recent Odoo version is a planned upgrade that includes a number of new modules and enhanced capabilities. Odoo 14.0 is more focused on employee time savings and cross-application integration than Odoo 14.0. Odoo 15 will be more advanced and feature-rich than previous versions, allowing businesses to run more efficiently and effectively.

A look at Odoo 15's new features and opportunities will help you understand why Odoo 15 is superior to Odoo 14. If you intend to upgrade from Odoo 14 to 15, you will also be able to adjust to changes more quickly.

Odoo Version 14 vs. Odoo Version 15 –

Point Of Sale

Odoo 14
Odoo 14 introduced two new user interfaces for PoS. As a result, the user could easily personalize the new product and its parent category. Another new feature is the option to bill via email.

Odoo 14 introduced two new product features: pricing lists and consumer loyalty programs, both of which were not available in previous versions of Odoo.

The newly designed PoS app module in Odoo 14 makes it simple to integrate up to six additional payment methods. The user can easily update the inventory in the PoS with real-time updates at the end of each session.

Odoo 15

This version includes the module's primary feature from version 14 as well as two new features: the coupon program and the Promotion program, both of which will be introduced in the pricing section of the settings.

The coupon program function will help you create and save coupon data for future use. You can then easily select the product and apply saved coupons at the point of sale.

It will appear on the product’s invoice, which will be visible to the customer. Coupons and marketing program for point-of-sale (POS) products can be used here.

During the checkout process, you can specify whether or not the ship's later facility is required to complete the order. A cash-in and cash-out feature has also been added to the POS.

CRM Module

Odoo 14
Last year, a new lead generation tab was added to Odoo 14's CRM module. This allows the user to generate leads that include information such as state, country, industry size, and other variables.

Odoo 14 also includes advanced features like the ability to enter a customer's email address and phone number.

Odoo 15
This version includes an improved CRM feature that will enhance lead handling activity. Using the domain mechanism, it assigns leads to specific teams. To do so, navigate to CRM Leads Management Team Assignation and assign a domain to each team.

These domains are essentially countries with scores.

This will increase sales activity and associated team members' participation in lead generation.

Inventory Management

Odoo 14
Odoo 14 introduced a well-organized inventory overview system, as well as tabs for document collection, packaging, and internal transfer.

The primary benefit of Odoo 14 over previous versions is its replenishment feature – the replenishment option. The tab aids you in locating items in stock and forecasting popular items. It also allows for the creation of reordering rules, which improves the scientific nature of the replenishing process.

Odoo 15

Now, let's look at what Odoo 15 has that Odoo 14 doesn't.

An eCommerce site can sell a website gift card.

When Gift Cards are purchased, it generates one-of-a-kind codes, which are then sent to customers via email or in person.

These Odoo apps/modules generate multiple unique codes for multiple gift card purchases. Odoo 15 comes with a slew of new features.

Discuss Module

Odoo 14
Odoo Discuss is an effective tool for improving an organization's external communication. This solution allows the company to create both public and private communication zones for its employees. Employees can use this application to share their ideas and participate in chat conversations with their coworkers.

In addition, Odoo offers message privacy and security, as well as the ability to lock communications. Odoo Discuss can be used in conjunction with all other modules to efficiently manage activities.

Odoo 15

The main highlight of Odoo 15 is the Discuss feature. Discuss enables you to centralize all of your company's communication via calls, videos, chats, and so on, all within a single app. It incorporates some features of Version 14 such as inviting new members to the group via a link, document sharing, direct messages, public and private channels, sharing slides, editing and star messages, sharing emojis, and so on.

Other features of this module are as follows-

Checking status online and offline
Also available on mobile devices
Meetings can be attended by anyone who is not an internal/database user. Zoom is similar to Google Meet, Teams, and other similar services.
All other Odoo apps are integrated.
Also available in the community version
At any given time, up to 40 people can join the call.
The background cannot be blurred or hidden.
Can invite from an external database at any time during the call.
Maximum attachment size is 128MB.
Can schedule future meeting links from the Calendar Doesn't block a person on the call who is discussing something
The chat story will continue as long as you keep the channel open.

Purchase Management

Odoo 14
Through a unified dashboard view, Odoo 14 emphasizes organization and ease of comprehension. Odoo 14 provides a compact and appealing display with detailed information on requests that must be issued, those that are pending, and those that are late. It also provides an accurate lead time estimate.

These developments may be able to help your company's performance improve. Another new feature in Odoo 14 is the confirmation prompt. This feature is included in Odoo 14 to assist small businesses.

Odoo 15 

Odoo 15's Purchase Dashboard provides an accurate and elegant view of the dashboard, including all purchase numbers and graphs. This dashboard contains enough information to compute the taxed and untaxed totals. Navigate to the reporting tab on the Odoo 15 dashboard.

Website Functions And Features

Odoo 14
Working SEO features such as Google Analytics and search tools in the console can be accessed via the Odoo 14 website module's configured parameters. Odoo 14's new website module is a godsend for every company's digital marketing team.

Odoo 15
The sharing feature of the eCommerce website platform can be used.

The product includes share buttons that can be used to share it on various social media platforms through the website portal.

These options make it easy to share information on a platform in order to finish the product.

In conclusion

There are many feature differences between Odoo 14 and 15 that can be easily adjusted once you start using Odoo 15. It's understandable that businesses use Odoo, and then, after a year, a completely new version is released, forcing employees to change yet again. But that's the beauty of Odoo: it's always up to date and keeps its users up to date. Regardless of the changes, Odoo 15 will undoubtedly improve the experience of your employees and other users.

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