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Monday, January 24, 2022

Odoo Version 15 New points out Website development


Odoo Website Development in USA

Configurator for Websites

A new Artificial Intelligence engine will generate complete websites based on the industry and user preferences.


Text, photos, and columns can all benefit from animation.

Widget with a Boolean Toggle

The readability of the boolean toggle widget has been improved.

Coupon Exchange

Shareable coupons can now be shared through email, link, and social media.


Add documents to the website with ease and select the appropriate design for customers/visitors to download. With dedicated hotkeys, you may change the assignee, priority, and condition of a document.


Within the drop-down menu, improved keyboard navigation. In the company switcher, you can select many firms at once. The command palette can be used to navigate through menus. The command palette and footer have been improved.


Users now have the ability to add custom embed HTML codes in a building block.

Google Analytic

Google Analytic integration has been updated to reflect the most current Google update.


The image size display has been improved. Color feedback on image size; when you click on an image, an overlay appears around the selected column; new image upload progress bar. Shapes (some animated) can be added to photos.

Pie Charts

Pie charts are now used to display percentages.


Add the possibility to have a pop-up on a click.

Product Carousels

Product carousels can be used to promote products on a blog article.

Tabbed Values

When you tab out of an empty many2one field, the first value is no longer set.


All of the themes have been updated to seem more current! Industries have been added to the themes. The Theme tab has replaced the Options tab.

Website Headers

New styles for web page headers have been added.

Video Building Blocks

12 suggested videos have been added to make selecting a backdrop video easier; Carousels are compatible with mobile devices! A new feature, with an adjusted style, centered photos, and so forth; A default name is assigned automatically, with the opportunity to change it if necessary; Blocks on the Image Wall and Gallery are now prefixed with images. The add (and remove) picture buttons have been emphasized.


Introducing dynamic shapes to give the page even more life!

Background Images

Use photos that are extra-tall or extra-wide as backgrounds.

Building Block

For the Accordion, Masonry, Steps, and Products building blocks, there are now various templates to choose from. Customize the color of their link buttons. A completely new construction block for receiving donations has been added. Define visibility on a conditional basis.

Default Form Values

On form inputs, set a default value.


Double-indexing of home pages with multi-language options was prevented.


Users can now create forms with fields that appear only if certain conditions are met.


In website search boxes for products, blogs, and other items, the ability to perform fuzzy search has been included. Using the Search panel, add the ability to sort items.


Colors for the background, text, and buttons should all be gradients. The color picker includes a gradient editor that allows you to easily customize linear (or circular) gradients. The Gray scale palette now has more options. Multiple color support has been added.

Newsletter Pop-Up

Customize the size, time, backdrop, and more of the Newsletter Pop-up now.


Add the ability to have a pop-up appear when a button is clicked.

Quick search

On selection fields, quick search is now possible.


Beautiful, fresh templates can be used to customize web page headers.


To select hexa and RGB code in the color picker, auto-select and double-click. When a user enters full-screen mode, new visual signs appear and explain how to escape. The Theme tab has been renamed from the Option tab. After clicking on any URL, a new widget emerges, allowing users to alter, break, or copy the link to the clipboard. The option tab is now always clickable, and clearly informs that in order to style a block, it must first be selected. When you apply a shape to a block, the Shapes Selector appears. For form inputs, default values can be set. In the editor, many2one fields are now supported. To utilize Google Maps, I removed the API key. When you delete a block, it will also delete all of its "children."

Web Logo

A new default website logo has been added.

Any Inquiry about website Development click here.

via Ref Link : https://www.geminatecs.com/blog/odoo-version-15-new-points-out-website-development

How to install steps Odoo on a Linux-based system installation?

Opensource ERP Implementation Services in USA

Let's look at how to install the Odoo platform on your systems now that we've covered the hosting parts of Odoo.

Odoo on a Linux-based system installation

Odoo ERP can be utilized on Linux if it has been successfully implemented. There are two ways to accomplish this. The first method is to download and install the .ded file from the website, followed by further configuration to make it operational. Another option is to use the command-line installation method, which we shall cover next. Following these procedures in the Ubuntu system will allow you to complete the task quickly:

1) Install the most recent version of the server and system

• sudo apt-get update
• sudo apt-get upgrade

2) Set up a server for your business:

• sudo apt-get install openssh-server fail2ban

3) Create an Odoo user:

• sudo adduser --system --home=/opt/odoo --group odoo

4) Following that, we must configure PostgreSQL. The procedure is as follows:

a. Run the following command to install Postgres:

• sudo apt-get install postgres

b. To construct and manage the Odoo database, upgrade to a Postgres version higher than 9.6:

• sudo su – postgres

c. Next, create an Odoo 14.0 user as follows:

• createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt odoo14

d. Make the user a superuser in order to give them greater optional privileges:

• psql

e. Use the following commands to exit psql and postgres:

• \q
• exit

5) Follow these procedures to install the Odoo dependencies:

a. Run the following command to install pip3:

• sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip

b. Install the required libraries and packages:

• sudo apt-get install python-dev python3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-dev
• libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev libmysqlclient-dev
• libjpeg-dev libpq-dev libjpeg8-dev liblcms2-dev libblas-dev libatlas-base-dev

c. Verify the installation along with the new dependencies:

• sudo apt-get install -y npm
• sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
• sudo npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css
• sudo apt-get install -y node-less

6) The following step is to clone GitHub. The procedure is as follows:

a. GitHub must first be installed on the server in order to enable cloning:

• sudo apt-get install git

b. Prior to cloning, change the system user to odoo to make it more secure:

• sudo su - odoo -s /bin/bash

c. Clone from the repository and the branch it belongs to:

• git clone https://www.github.com/odoo --depth 1 --branch 14.0 –single-branch

d. Exit the programme and proceed with the installation:

• exit

7) Install the Python packages you'll need by following these steps:

a. Using pip3, install the Python packages and libraries:

• sudo pip3 install -r /opt/odoo/requirements.txt

8) Set up Odoo and its services in the following way:

a. In the Odoo programme, a configuration file will be created automatically. As seen in the following code, this will be downloaded and copied to a new configuration folder:

• sudo cp /opt/odoo/debian/odoo.conf /etc/odoo.conf

b. Provide the following information about the file:

• sudo nano /etc/odoo.conf

c. Update the configuration file, as follows:

; This is the password that allows database operations:
• admin_passwd = admin
• db_host = False
• db_port = False
• db_user = odoo14
• db_password = False
• addons_path = /opt/odoo/odoo/addons
• logfile = /var/log/odoo/odoo.log

d. Set up access rights to the files:

• sudo chown odoo: /etc/odoo.conf
• sudo chmod 640 /etc/odoo.conf

e. In Odoo, make a log directory:

• sudo mkdir /var/log/odoo

f. Set Odoo's user permission inside the directory:

• sudo chown odoo:root /var/log/odoo

g. Configure Odoo's services:

• sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/odoo.service

h. Place the following snippet inside the file:

• Description=Odoo
• Documentation=http://www.odoo.com
# Ubuntu/Debian convention:
• Type=simple
• User=odoo
• ExecStart=/opt/odoo/odoo/odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo.conf
• [Install]
• WantedBy=default.target

i. Set up a root user for the file:

• sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/system/odoo.service
• sudo chown root: /etc/systemd/system/odoo.service

9) To use Odoo, complete these steps:

a. Run the following command to launch the Odoo platform:

• sudo systemctl start odoo.service

b. Use the following command to check the platform's status:

• sudo systemctl status odoo.service
• If active use the following URL to enter the platform.
• "http://your_domain_or_IP_address:8069"

c. Run the following command to inspect the log file:

• sudo tail -f /var/log/odoo/odoo.log

d. If you want the Odoo services to start automatically when the machine boots up, type the following command:

• sudo systemctl enable odoo.service

Key features of Odoo ERP

Odoo is one of the most modern ERPs on the market today, and it is capable of efficiently executing any business process within the platform. The following are some of the platform's primary features:

• It features advanced customization capabilities, allowing it to work in a variety of business environments.
• It provides a single platform for managing all business processes.
• It features a modular design with designated operations application modules.
• Its ability to integrate allows it to work with advanced applications and devices like IoT and bio metrics.
• For efficient operation, it employs centralized inventory management and database operations, as well as secure data transfers.
• Drop shipping, cross-docking, data reconciliation, lead enrichment, and other advanced operational tools are available.
• It manages your company's field service operations with the help of a field service module.
• It manages your fleet of vehicles with the use of a fleet management tool.
• It includes an HR management form for hiring staff and paying their wages.
• It uses a project module to manage your company's specialized operations.
• It employs a manufacturing and repair module to handle all aspects of production.
• It provides advanced reporting features on each of the operational modules, allowing for quick and accurate analytical and quantitative reporting on a variety of topics.
• It's a well-designed Odoo website builder.
• From Odoo 14 onwards, a data cleansing application is provided.
• It provides breadcrumb-based operations as well as detailed information on all aspects of operations.

Odoo has a lot of advantages

As discussed in the previous section,Odoo ERP Implementation includes a number of advanced capabilities. Additionally, there are a number of extra advantages to utilising Odoo for users. Here are a few examples:

• The user can rewrite the code and extend the platform's operations to new levels of company functioning thanks to the extensible architecture.
• ERPs are expensive; however, the Odoo Community Edition is available for free, albeit with restricted capabilities, and gives consumers a glimpse into how the platform works.
• Furthermore, the Enterprise Edition offers a lower licence charge than its competitors and comes with a lot of features.
• The open source platform makes the source code accessible to anyone, allowing users to make changes to the code as needed.
• It comes in two flavors: the Community Edition, which has limited features and customization possibilities, and the Enterprise Edition, which has a wide range of features and capabilities as well as full customization options.
• A secure operating system allows users to keep their data safe, protect secret and in-house data, and much more.
• The Odoo studio tool assists users in developing and modifying apps to meet operational requirements.

via Ref Link : https://www.geminatecs.com/blog/how-to-install-steps-odoo-on-a-linux-based-system-installation

Friday, January 21, 2022

How to Manage ERP Customization in 4 Simple Steps?

Opensource Odoo ERP Customization

This is an era of customization, and to stay competitive in today’s dynamic market situations, you need to do something different. Do you know that businesses shut their doors each year, about 1 in every 12 years?

One of the major reasons for businesses closing down is their inability to keep up with the latest market trends and customize their operations accordingly. To ensure steady growth and development for your business, ensure that you have the most futuristic ERP solution that allows you to customize your business as per the changing needs of your customers.

Many companies stay away from the hassles of adopting open-source ERP customization, as they are unable to integrate other applications. The good news is Odoo ERP solution is here to eliminate all such incompatibility issues, allowing you to work seamlessly.

You need to follow these four essential steps to reap the benefits effectively when it comes to ERP customization.

Step 1: Identify the Purpose of Your ERP Customization

First and foremost, you must identify why you want to undergo ERP customization. What are the problems you want to solve through this customization? Also, determine whether there are any specific problems associated with your departments, teams, or processes.

Once you have these insights, you will have a clear purpose for implementing this ERP customization. Knowing the end goals clearly will show you the right methods of accomplishing them.

For instance, check whether your company is having issues like lack of proper documentation and reporting, specific departmental challenges, or problems in workflow customization. If these issues are visible to you, the purpose of ERP customization will also be clear.

Step 2: Understand the Types of ERP Customizations

Treat ERP customizations as the solutions to several issues, including access management, proper documentation, real-time reporting, and so on. Some of the common types of ERP customizations include -

  • Documents and Forms

  • User Interface

  • Integrations

  • Functionality Modifications

You may also need to make certain adjustments to the final implementation process, including the units of measurements, customized menus or fields, accessibility, etc.

Step 3: Use the Latest Technologies

Try to use updated technologies that come with inbuilt abstraction layers. An abstraction layer is like a customization laboratory with an additional interface that separates all your ERP customizations from the underlying code. In this way, your system will be protected against all frequent vendor updates.

If you don’t manage your customizations, it may turn disastrous for your business. If your ERP doesn’t have abstraction layers, switch to a better solution that offers them. It will prevent incompatibility issues and save your money in the long run.

Step 4: Declutter Your ERP System

Too much clutter is never going to show productive, results - be it on your office desk or your ERP system. Get rid of all those unnecessary things that are taking up space and are of no use to your business.

Perform a thorough cleanup of your extra lines of code that are overburdening your system and taking up your resources, such as time, effort, and storage space. To ensure a simple and uncomplicated ERP structure, remove all clutter either altogether or disabling their performance.

Alternatively, you can also choose not to upgrade your system to a new version. Provide adequate Odoo ERP training to your teams to ensure you have a hassle-free system that gets your work done smoothly.

Is Odoo the Right Open-Source ERP Solution for Your Business?

Opensource Odoo ERP Implementation Services

This is the generation of automation and digitization of your core business operations. If you are not implementing these emerging techniques, you are surely missing out on those wonderful opportunities to grow your business.

In fact, automation is the only way you can remain competitive in the market and pace up your business processes. In order to make your organization future-ready and easy to customize, you need an effective open-source ERP solution, and Odoo will definitely be the right choice for you.

What is an Open-Source ERP System?

An open-source ERP solution has a source code that’s made available publicly. It’s the best solution for small to medium-sized businesses as they can save their valuable resources in creating new codes. If you feel your teams need a user-friendly and efficient ERP application, try one of the advanced open-source ERP implementation services like Odoo.

An open-source ERP system also doesn’t require maintenance or licensing costs. The reason why a majority of the companies opted for open-source ERP software is they are cost-effective and quite easy to customize. An open-source ERP platform comes with an open-to-all code that anyone can inspect, improve, and modify.

Why is Odoo ERP the Right Choice for your Business?

The answer is simple. Your hard-working teams deserve the best ERP solution to get done faster and easier. Being a caring business owner, you need to ensure that your employees are able to work smarter and stay motivated after each little success they made for your organization.

However, that’s not the only reason you should use the Odoo ERP system. You use it because you can’t afford to miss out on the multiple benefits Odoo has to offer. If you want to make your business more futuristic, Odoo is the only answer to all your challenges.

Here are 5 reasons why you should switch to Odoo right now!

  1. Highly Customizable

Since Odoo is an open-source community, you can easily customize the solution as per your specific business needs. Odoo offers unique features that are tailored to your organization’s working culture and environment.

The best thing is, you can customize the platform yourself without hiring a separate development team. It will not only save business costs but also ensure a user-friendly interface that your teams can find easy to work with.

Different companies have different needs and work ethics. To cater to all those individual requirements, this open-source Odoo ERP system offers you an added advantage, irrespective of the size of your business.

  1. Easy to Integrate

Say goodbye to all those painful integrations you have had while using complex ERP solutions. If your current ERP system doesn’t allow you to integrate all your core business applications, there’s no point using it in the first place.

Your team cannot afford to waste their valuable time and effort in switching between multiple applications to get a simple task done. Besides, using multiple apps that don’t interact with each other may result in several entries of the same data, thus making the process time-consuming.

You need a more comprehensive solution like Odoo, which enables you to access thousands of apps under one roof and get all your jobs done in one go! In this way, you can accomplish projects and meet deadlines, thus focusing more on improving your customer satisfaction rates.

  1. Comes to Updated Technology

Odoo’s updated open-source development model has helped small and medium-scale businesses leverage innumerable business experts and developing from a community of industry leaders. Odoo comes with annual version releases to help businesses grow faster and stay ahead of the competition.

The biggest advantage of opting for this open-source Odoo ERP integration is that you can get regular updates on the latest technologies since the company frequently modifies them. Living in a fast-paced world, it’s necessary to stay updated and work in an advanced ecosystem.

  1. Highly Flexible

Audio provides multiple modules, allowing users to install as many as they need to achieve their day-to-day operations. Moreover, they also keep adding new modules regularly to help your business explore various possibilities and achieve new heights.

  1. Totally Safe and Secure

Odoo ERP software ensures the highest security and safety standards so that you can enjoy data protection consistently and with the greatest accuracy. You can rest assured that this ERP system will protect all your confidential business data.

Friday, January 07, 2022

Odoo Consultancy Solutions for a Hassle-Free ERP Development

Odoo Consultancy Solutions for a Hassle-Free ERP Development

Ahmedabad, Gujarat
- GeminateCS is a wonderful team of experienced professionals working hard towards customizing, implementing, and enriching the services of the Odoo ERP system (formerly OpenERP). Since the last decade, we have been working on 100+ projects and running successfully across different industries, including manufacturing, telecommunication, financial, educational, and so on.

Having more than 9 years of expertise, our team is finally working towards simplifying the new Odoo ERP system for easier ERP development and implementation. Using our efficient Odoo platform, you won’t have to compromise with your business operations anymore!

With our all-new augmented Odoo solutions, you can enjoy access to a seamless development experience by working with trustworthy experts. Apart from ERP development, our team of professionals will also extend immense help with all your ERP implementation procedures.

Now, here’s good news! Our Odoo ERP system is not a one-size-fits-all solution, unlike the shelf applications that leave companies with no choice but to abide by the system’s random rules! Ours is a fine-tuned and customized ERP solution that’s tailored to your particular business needs. That sounds like a good deal, right?

We just want to let you know that our ERP support team is always there to help you out whenever you face a challenge or issue in any stage of your ERP implementation. We will also take great care that all your unique business requirements and end-user demands are fulfilled.

We are proud to declare that our Odoo ERP solutions are backed by almost a decade-long industry expertise that checks whether an appropriate utilization of the software is made. Yes, we have taken into account your integration needs too! You can seamlessly integrate your own business applications or tools with our Odoo ERP solution, thus ensuring a productive workflow.

Worried about the risks associated with ERP data migration? We got you covered there too! Our smooth and efficient data extraction and processing techniques are designed to migrate your old system to our upgraded Odoo system with ease.

So, why worry when our knowledgeable ERP support team is here to help you at every stage? All you need to do is simply tell us your specific business needs, and we will get it done the way you like!

Thursday, January 06, 2022

ERP Customization: How It Can Benefit Your Company?

ERP Customization: How It Can Benefit Your Company?

Are you having a hard time customizing your ERP (Enterprise resource planning) systems? We understand that it’s a time-consuming process and needs to be designed and implemented carefully.

However, ERP customization is the need of the hour, and businesses of all sizes have started realizing its significance. If you have a more futuristic business in mind, you should consider making the shift now!

5 Benefits of Custom ERP Development

Having a custom ERP system is no less than an asset for your company since every business operation is designed to run as per your needs. Read on to learn about the advantages of developing a custom ERP system.

  1. No Change in Your Current Workflow

Usually, when a company needs to adopt a new ERP system, it often leads to a complete or partial change to their current workflows, thus hampering their operations. It’s because the company needs to comply with the policies of the system they are upgrading to.

This is where a customized ERP system comes to your rescue. It helps you to automate all your core business operations and make the system work as per your specific requirements. It saves your time, effort, and other resources spent in changing an entire workflow.

  1. Cost-Effective

There’s a myth that a customized ERP solution often comes at a higher price tag compared to a packaged shelf ERP software. However, looking at the long-term benefits of a custom solution, you won’t have to suffer from a one-size-fits-all workflow that doesn’t cater to your company’s unique needs.

It’s better to invest in something that offers a more personalized ERP solution and it would soon have greater returns in terms of higher profits and success. Moreover, you can save some bucks in up-gradation costs, license costs, pay for user costs, and so on, which a shelf application often demands.

  1. Enhanced Performance and Flexibility

Needless to say, since a custom ERP system is working as per your needs, it will definitely offer improved performance with greater flexibility. In a custom ERP development process, a renewed software architecture is built from scratch to suit the organization's demands, thus ensuring maximized performance and flexibility.

Since a custom ERP platform enables you to automate your tasks, you can enhance your work efficiency and productivity. You will no longer need a separate sales manager for creating endless spreadsheets for each of your customer and employee profiles.

  1. Gain Absolute Control Over Your System

Does your current ERP system allow you to have total control over your software? If your answer was a ‘No’, it’s time to make the switch to a more customized solution. ERP customization will let you meet your business needs by gaining maximum control over your platform. Because an application cannot decide what your company needs and what it doesn’t.

Ask your developer to configure a personalized ERP system that won’t have too many unwanted features and complex tools or menus. If your ERP system doesn’t let you work efficiently and seamlessly, there’s no point using it in the first place! After all, you cannot afford to waste time learning its interface!

  1. Generate Customized Reports and Analytics

Personalized ERP applications are designed to provide you with the most accurate reports and analytics in real-time. As a result, you can gain deeper insights into your team performance and your company’s overall progress.

Besides, using these customized reports, you can bring all your departments under one roof, allowing you to focus on improving team collaboration. The best part about a custom-made ERP solution is that you can integrate your own business intelligence tools for gaining better insights and making more effective decisions.

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

5 Key Phases of an ERP Implementation Process

5 Key Phases of an ERP Implementation Process

It’s the ERP system that acts as a binding force between several departments and operations in an organization. It allows users to access various company data under a single roof.

However, no great thing can ever be achieved without a little effort. In order to enjoy the complete benefits of an efficient Enterprise Resource Planning application, you need to implement it appropriately.

New to ERP implementation or ERP data migration? Here’s an overview!

What is ERP Implementation?

A complete ERP implementation process involves proper planning, configuring, customizing, and deploying an ERP platform. The implementation process ensures that the ERP system is able to manage multiple business functions with higher efficiency.

For example, you would want to integrate all your core operations, including human resources, financial management, customer profiles, sales, manufacturing, supplies, deliveries, and so on. To handle all of these manuals can be a hectic task, and it’s prone to human errors too! This is where the role of an effective  ERP implementation comes into play!

5 Phases of ERP Implementation

These are the five core steps or phases of an ERP system implementation.

  1. Planning and Identifying Risks

The first phase of implementing an ERP system includes project planning. However, before you even begin the planning session, you need to discover the potential issues or risks associated with your business.

During the planning stage, try to identify your specific needs and the working techniques of your company. Before the final decision-making and documentation of a plan, you need to address the problems that may be present in your current workflow.

  1. Design and Development

Then follows the designing phase that allows you to work on several configurations to get an idea of the final look of your system. The design stage also includes documenting some standard processes and defining your key roles.

After the problem-solving and brainstorming phases, the final task of development comes in, which requires an experienced development team. Make sure that your developer begins writing the code only after the potential problems, challenges, or threats have been identified or resolved.

  1. Deployment

Once the final project is ready, it’s time to implement the output. Your project team should be able to run a few tests for a couple of days to determine its performance and efficiency before going live.

It is also the responsibility of your project team to train your end-users before they finally start handling their day-to-day tasks using the new ERP system by abandoning the old one. You will also need to define specific roles to the desired users and set permissions to data accessibility and security accordingly.

  1. Configuration

Once the ERP installation is complete, your project management team should be able to configure your settings and the necessary options that you will need in your day-to-day operations. This is where a customized and configured ERP system becomes essential as opposed to shelf ERP systems. ERP customization is tailored to your particular business, thus removing any unwanted tools or features.

  1. ERP Data Migration

Finally, you need to migrate your ERP data from the old system without running the risk of data losses. The ERP migration phase must be done by an experienced hand as it involves the transfer of all your vital data, such as financial, transactional, customer profiles, human resources, salaries, manufacturing, sales, and so on.

After transferring all your data from the old system to the new, make sure to define user roles, configure security settings, and grant permissions accordingly to prevent data misuse or accidental losses.

Need to Know About ODOO APPS for Mobile ERP

Portability and approachability are critical parts of the modern planet. Mobile phones are individual of the devices used to approach this c...